weekly roundup 26 // 2015.

my favourite photo from the week:

commercial street on a saturday evening. bangalore, india. august 2015.
commercial street on a saturday evening. bangalore, india. august 2015.

interesting things from around the interwebs:

i started college in 2000, but many of these “if you went to college in the ’90s….” still hold true for my classmates and me. especially the thursday-night-friends-night situation.

a look at the politics of time zones. i am weirdly obsessed with time zones, so these articles are always particularly fascinating for me.

passion passport is launching the passport express, a two-week cross-country amtrak adventure that sounds absolutely amazing. check it out for more details if you’re interested.

bragging rights for memphis.

julie looks at the end of communism and what “rebuilding” has meant for those countries who were effected by it.

instead of hosting a large banquet for their wedding, a turkish couple donated that money to a soup kitchen which used it to feed over 4,000 syrian refugees.

a girl in missouri took her senior pictures at taco bell and just became my new hero. i didn’t take senior pictures, but if i had, i like to think i would have done something like this.

why email puts you in a bad mood. feels like the story of my life. i try really hard to be a segmentor, but it’s difficult when you work for a startup. something to work toward. and if it doesn’t work, i’ll just move to europe.

junior seau’s daughter wrote a beautiful speech for his induction into the nfl’s hall of fame. the league wouldn’t let her give the speech, so the nytimes recorded it. it made me cry.

and speaking of tears, these adoption day photos from together we rise to raise awareness of foster children is amazing.

huffington post’s top 50 cities to see in your lifetime. so far i have seen 8, so it looks like i’ve got my work cut out for me. although i have to say, i’m a little shocked jaipur was on the list and not bombay. that seems ridiculous to me.

a great read about the amazing musical history of memphis.

some amazing colour photographs of ireland that are over 100 years old.

the marines who took down the flag at the us embassy in cuba in 1961 are returning this year to raise it once again. thought that was a really cool story.

in case you missed it:

i’m still reminiscing about our street food adventures during ramzan.

note: i will be out of town next week for my cousin’s wedding, so things might be a little quiet around here. but i’ll be back as soon as i can!


7 thoughts on “weekly roundup 26 // 2015.

  1. Melanie says:

    Hi Veena!

    I found your blog from the GV blog which I love. Have you spent much time in Memphis? You seem to love it since you posted two articles about its history! I’m a Memphian who just moved back to the city after spending a year in Thailand and it’s been a jagged adjustment. I would love the perspective of another traveler on this intriguing city! Love your blog 🙂 –Mel


  2. Melanie says:

    LOL I just read your “about” page. I can’t believe you’re from Memphis! I love your posts–it’s inspiring to read about your journey between Memphis and global cities! Would love to pick your brain for advice, but I’ll just start reading your archives! Thanks for representing 🙂


    1. veen83 says:

      Hi Mel! I’m so sorry for the delay in responding to you — I was in Tamil Nadu last week for a cousin’s wedding and had very limited internet access. So glad to connect with you, and I would love to have a chat about all the cool things to do in Memphis these days! I hope you are settling in well, and I look forward to hearing from you again soon. Feel free to comment on any posts here or on my old blog [linked on my About Me page; Memphis posts are tagged under “marvelous memphis”]. And please let me know if you have any other questions. You can email me at veena [dot] rangaswami [at] gmail. Enjoy your time back in the 901! xx


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