2 of 52 / 2019: re-establishing my routine.

the holidays always throw off my routine, so last week was all about getting back into a groove. the first five-day work week of the year gave me a chance to re-establish my schedule and find my patterns again.

i cooked over the weekend so i had food for the week. i spent a few minutes every morning stretching or doing some crunches or planks. i went for walks after lunch, often with riggs in tow. i got back into my brushing and flossing and rinsing routine at night. i turned off my screens and read for at least half an hour before going to bed.

2019-01-09 13.02.16
we are both glad to have our afternoon walks back. memphis, tennessee. january 2019.

and it is amazing what a difference it has made, even in just a week. i slept better. i didn’t have to think about what i was eating all week so i only ate out once, which also means i didn’t spend a lot of money. i made good progress in a book i am really enjoying. and my roommate even asked if i’ve lost weight 🙂 [i don’t think i have, but it was nice to be asked]

i know it has only been one week and there are still 50 more to go. i know this will be interrupted this week because i am going out of town for the long weekend. i know it is going to take a few more weeks before it all comes naturally. i know all these things, but i am still going to celebrate a small victory.

other highlights included: a potluck night-in with katie milligan. a date with ali to the grizzlies game [we won!]. pedicures and dinner with lauren. booked my tickets to salt lake city to see jesse in may. saturday movie day on the couch.


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