and so it begins.

in super exciting life news, i have a job! you are now looking at the new collaborate specialist for BRIDGES, a super awesome nonprofit here in memphis 🙂

last week was a bit of a whirlwind. i went in on tuesday afternoon for an interview and had a great time learning about the role and discussing how i would be able to use my skills to help out the organization. it went well, and i left thinking it would be a few days before i heard anything back.

and then i received a call around 9am on wednesday offering me the job and asking if i could start on monday, to which i answered a resounding yes. i was also offered the opportunity to attend the monthly all-staff meeting that afternoon which was great — i was able to meet a lot of the others who are working there and to begin to get my bearings.

and now today is officially my first day. i am very excited and also a little nervous but mostly thrilled to have found a great organization to be a part of. and it means i get to stay in memphis, which makes me extremely happy.

so here we go. wish me luck!


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